Data removal

We protect your privacy by deleting unused data after a certain period of time. Only applies to free accounts!

I do not make any money from your private data and for data minimisation reasons, unused free accounts will be irretrievably deleted after a waiting period!

You can prevent deletion by using your time-tracker at regular intervals.

Why data is deleted

Many people quietly accept that using the internet is a threat to their privacy; that their private information is sold for money and abused by Big Tech. Not with me: I don’t do that. I fight against it! I do everything I can to protect your privacy. One of our strongest weapons in protecting your privacy is deleting your data when you’re no longer using it.

I believe that deleting unused data is the best way to prove to everyone that collecting user accounts is not part of the business. I want to provide you with a safe working environment. Privacy first is one of my top rules. There is no investor behind me, so I do not have and do not want to fake numbers with expired accounts! I do make my own rules.

And one of these rules is: You must create at least one new timesheet every month.

If you don’t follow this rule, you will receive a warning that “Your cloud is unused - Data deletion is imminent”. After receiving this email, you have a short timeframe of a few days to log in and enter a timesheet. If you fail to do so, your cloud will be irretrievable/permanently deleted.

There is no backup of your deleted data, it cannot be restored, even if you want to pay for it.

This process only applies to free users. Paying customers pay me to host Kimai - their data is protected and will never be touched.

Missing your login / cloud?

You can ask for details, but unfortunately there is no way I can provide them. If you don’t use Kimai, your data will be completely deleted (hello GDPR). I don’t know if you had an account in the past. If it is not there, but you are sure it existed, then it has been removed by our privacy processes.

You can always register a new account and new cloud if you wish. But please make sure that you read the system-emails next time. I don’t spam, you just get important updates about your cloud.

Unsubscribing from our system emails is not only a bad idea, it’s a violation of the TOS.

Warning emails

Kimai will send you warning emails that your cloud is unused with more information if the following applies:

  • after the trial period has expired and you are on the unpaid plan
  • the last timesheet was created more than 30 days ago

If you don’t need your Kimai cloud anymore, you don’t have to do anything: shortly after sending the warning-email, your cloud and your account will be completely deleted.

Data protection for paying customer

Data for paying accounts is secure.

Paying customers are protected and their data will never be touched by this process.
